11 April 2013

Website Development Using Joomla CMS and its SEO Benefits

Joomla is, perhaps the most used content management system in the market today, and many small and big enterprises have invested in this. So, are you optimizing your own Joomla site and using effective tools for successful SEO? If not, here are some tips on how to become a winning Joomla user

User friendly URLs:

In order for web search engines to find your website, you need to compose of user friendly URLs since these gives your webpage a huge boost when it comes to search engines. Incorporating keywords in the URL will really help make your site discover-able and will determine the validity and originality of your post. The result of this is that your site will show up in the higher ranks in results than other similar web pages that do not have important keywords in their URL. You will be able to re-write and re-direct your old URLs with new SEO friendly URLs using Joomla Content Management System.

Joomla Extensions for Optimizations:

Extensions are a part of customization for Joomla CMS. These extensions will help you enhance your website. It is definitely worth taking advantage on the large and wide array of selection of search engine optimization extension and metadata. However, searching for the right extensions will take you some time and this involve a trial and error process, but it will be all worth it once you gathered all Joomla CMS compatible tools and extensions for your site.
Some webmasters and business oriented people check the compatibility of the extensions on a Joomla test site similar to the final output site. This is a great tip in order to have less inconsistencies on customizing your site.

Adding a Sitemap:

Sitemaps are a necessity for your Joomla content management system not only because it makes site navigation easier and convenient, but also help to raise the site’s visibility and organization. Moreover a sitemap can help search engines notice that you made remarkable changes in your site. With this practice, search engines will detect the changes more easily and will update your presence in the search engines. Adding and updating sitemap becomes very easy task with Joomla Web Development.

The Power of Social Media:

Nowadays, website content is perhaps the most shared content on the Internet, and consequently, social media has also influenced the power of viral marketing. So, when you have your own Joomla CMS, there is an advantage if you incorporate social media sharing buttons in your site because all of these shares are indexed and recorded by search engines as well. So, in short, the more web content is shared, the more it will be visible to others and thus, creating huge amount of traffic. Provide sharing buttons as long as you are able to provide fresh and updated content in order to obtain re tweets or likes.

Monitor Traffic Using an Analytic Tool:

Analytic tools are very helpful for you to monitor the source of the traffic as well as studying the effect of keywords in generating traffic. Having an adequate and sufficient knowledge about the use of analytic will help you choose the appropriate keywords you need to focus on to develop a good batch of web content. 

Similarly, the gathered data from the analytic tool taken from the Joomla CMS is extremely critical in boosting your internet presence. Check this out, just by observing and monitoring your keywords, you will be able to determine which keywords bring more focus on the content you wish to compose as well as show you how users search and investigate yours site which will assist you in navigation in order to maximize site conversions. 

Now that you have a new set of ideas and tips for boosting your SEO in Joomla site, be sure to take time to incorporate and implement these tips for success. Don’t get left behind and get things done. 


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